
High Volume, Low Value

Quick summary

Claim management is death by a thousand cuts. It's nothing more than a journey of high volume, low value tasks once a loss happens. To win at claims, there must be help when it comes to managing the tasks from start to finish. Those that use technology to automatically manage the tasks win. Those who who manually attempt task management lose.

High Volume, Low Value Workflows

Have you ever noticed that when it comes to claim management, there's no instruction manual. It's sink or swim right out of the gate and most people experiencing the loss don't know how to swim in the troubled waters of claims. As soon as the loss happens, the activity is SUPPOSED to begin. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? How long? Who with? And on and on it goes.

Wasted Time. No One has time for that.

The Problem with Claim Management: High Volume, Low-Value Workflows

1. High Volume, Low-Value Workflows Create Complexity and Waste
Claim management is often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks required for every single loss. These tasks, ranging from documentation to communication, rarely add significant value but consume substantial time and resources. This complexity creates inefficiencies, resulting in "fat, fluff, and waste" that unnecessarily inflate claim costs. Unfortunately, because these workflows are part of the standard operating procedure, they often go unnoticed, leading to bloated processes that slow down claims resolution and increase expenses.

2. A Lack of Knowledge Exacerbates the Problem
Most people, whether they are business owners, employees, or even insurance agents, lack clear guidance on what to do when a loss occurs. The absence of a clear, streamlined process leads to confusion and delays in proper handling, which can easily escalate claim costs. Without the right tools and understanding, decision-makers often find themselves reacting to situations rather than proactively managing them. This lack of knowledge and preparedness adds layers of complication, making the high-volume workflows even more cumbersome and mismanaged.

3. The Financial Impact: More Costs, Less Efficiency  
When workflows are bogged down by unnecessary steps, and those managing the claim lack the expertise to make quick, informed decisions, claim costs spiral out of control. Redundant communication, rework, and delayed actions pile up, each adding another layer of unnecessary cost to the claim. The result is higher premiums for businesses, reduced profitability for insurers, and longer recovery times for affected employees. The solution lies in adopting a smarter, more efficient approach to claim management—one that eliminates waste, standardizes workflows, and empowers those involved to handle losses effectively from the outset.

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